Wednesday, December 15, 2010

more on food...

This is "achoo." It is a specialty of the Northwest Region in Cameroon. It's pounded tapioca mixed into a paste with "yellow soup" as a sauce, and there is lots of palm oil involved. Taxi drivers will end their day craving achoo, babies grow up eating achoo, grandmothers eat plates spilling over with this heavy, thicker-than-mashed-potatoes goo. You get the picture... people love this stuff and grow up on it. In my opinion, you either love it or you hate it. You eat it with 3 fingers on your right hand. Be careful not to rupture the nicely formed pocket that holds all the oily, salty & tasty goodness, or you'll get stared at from seasoned achoo-eaters. In the pic above, it's served with a piece of grilled chicken and a strip of cow... something.

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